I (22M) have been dating my partner (20F) for about 6 months now. Things were great at first, with our relationship quickly progressing and everything seeming good. About 3 months in, due to an unfortunate housing situation, she had nowhere to live. Due to this, I offered to let her move in with me. This is when everything began going downhill, and frankly I don’t even know where to begin. Over the past 3ish months, she has become increasingly toxic and even abusive at times. She is verbally abusive, insulting me any time she gets frustrated by telling me things she knows I’m insecure about. She also hits/punches me whenever she’s angry, she’s broken 2 pairs of my glasses. I would’ve left when this happened but I’m genuinely scared she’s going to commit suicide if I do, and I would never be able to live with myself if she did that, no matter how frustrated or hurt I am by her actions. I’m also scared that she may try to hurt me if I do leave because she’s threatened me before and can get into my apartment. She’s currently trying to get added on the lease, and my landlord has sent me a copy that I haven’t signed yet, I’m just trying to stall as long as possible because I don’t want her name on my lease due to everything listed above. I just want some advice on how I can get out of this relationship without her hurting herself or me. She works the night shift the next 3 nights so she won’t be able to take my phone and find this. I’m going to delete my account before this weekend but I’ll keep checking the post if I can’t break things off before then.

TL;DR: I’m trying to figure out how to leave toxic/abusive partner without them hurting themselves or hurting me.

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