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It’s been a year since I called the police on my ex bf after he hurt me and threatened to hurt my dogs. I hope the same thing doesn’t happen to anyone, but if you’re currently in a similar relationship, I hope this post will help you realize good things will come after to stand up for yourself.

After my ex was taken by the police, I dealt with some harassment from his family but they eventually left me alone. I moved closer to my job and basically a different city that’s 30mins away from my old apartment. I took sometime to heal, and went on vacations by myself, it was great. I finally look forward to coming home and spend time with my dogs (one of them passed away from cancer couple months ago). About 6 months after the incident, I met someone. He’s a great person and for the first time in a long time, someone treats me with love and respect. I’m very happy at the moment. I’ve learnt to set boundaries and expectations early on to avoid being in the same situation again.

Now to my ex’s case. Yesterday, I got a call from the prosecutor office. To be honest, I totally forgot about the case and I thought there’s nothing else to follow up on. But they called to inform me that they’ll be pressing charges and asked if I would be okay to testify. I said yes. It’ll be hard for me to go to court and talk about the incident if he’s right there, because even though I’ve completely moved on with my life, I can still feel the fear when I heard about the case. I’m somewhat still traumatized by the whole thing. But I think he needs to be responsible for his actions, especially after his aunty tried to defend his actions by blaming me.

It really sucks that I have to go through all of that to end a toxic and abusive relationship, but I got out somewhat safely and I can’t imagine what my life would be if I stayed. It was a hard time, but it’s worth it. Things are definitely better and I’m surrounded by people who truly love me and appreciate me. Simple and little things in life truly make me happy. Like how my bf got me bubble tea and prepared dinner for me when I had a hard day at work last week. I can’t believe just more than a year ago, I thought a day without an argument was already a good day.

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