I’ve been friends with this group for a little bit and I’m not super close with all of them but close enough to chill here and there and grab drinks and whatnot. But this one guy who has been a part of the group for a while seems super cliquey and seems to not like me for whatever reason. The other day one of my friends from this group let it slip that this guy purposefully didn’t invite me when they went out.

I really don’t know why he doesn’t like me since I get along with everyone else, so I’m not sure what to do. I feel like I haven’t dealt with someone like this since middle school, lmfao. And since he’s been a part of the group for a long time I guess his “say” matters, you know?

It’s just fucking weird and immature haha. I’ve thought about just dropping the entire group but I really like some of them and don’t have issues with anyone but this one person so I don’t know what to do.

  1. Yeah it’s fucking weird, and toxic, to act this way. I think people who act this way are just jealous and insecure…

    What can you do really? Just ignore them and life will sort them out.

    If the rest of the group enjoys this kind of shit well maybe it’s time to gtfo cause I don’t wanna be in a group that promotes toxic behavior.

  2. You can be the ripest, juiciest peach and there will always be someone who hates peaches.

    Put sugar in his gas tank.

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