Men of Reddit, what should women be more humble about?

  1. Can we not do another hate women post?

    There are a lot of good women who don’t need to be humbled just like there are a lot of disgusting post-modern harpies who need to be locked up in an urban apartment with cats and box wine for the protection of society.

  2. Their looks and their weight. A lot of them are uglier and fatter than they think.

  3. Their relationship value.

    Women’s sexual market value and relationship market value are not the same, and most women don’t understand that. Women’s sexual values are always higher than their relationship values, and women don’t understand that. They could stand a reality check in that regard.

  4. This is not a hate on women. Everyone has their pros and cons. BUT I will say from experience that there are many women in their early 20s who think theyre hot, and theyre not. Theyre just young. Check in at 35 and see how you look. Truly beautiful women can look gorgeous into their 60s

  5. Most of you are extremely average at BEST, not a 10 as you’re led to believe due to online dating apps.

  6. A lot of women confuse the sexual interest their fertility gives them with actually having a good personality or being useful, or being intelligent, or being a decent person.

    And it’s not until their 30s that they start to see the repercussions of not have a good personality, not being useful, not being intelligent, and that they are not a decent person. And now they also aren’t attractive either.

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