Ladies, what would be your response to “I’m not comfortable with you going braless”?

  1. If it’s outside, I get it. People can be weird about it and I get that someone doesn’t want to deal with it.

    In my own home? You can leave lmao

  2. lol. The main reason I usually go braless is that I have a chronic pain condition which makes it agonizing and nauseating for me to wear overly restrictive/uncomfortable clothing. If someone thinks their feelings about my outfit are more important than my comfort in that outfit, that’s probably not a person I want or need in my life.

  3. “I’m not comfortable with you dictating what I can and can’t wear. Goodbye”.

  4. Tough titties man, not everyone gets what they want and life is just that way sometimes. You’ll be fine.

  5. I’m uncomfortable going without a bra, too jiggly, so I have no dog in this fight. But dictating what your partner can or can’t wear is inappropriate and extremely controlling. If how someone dresses makes you uncomfortable, why on earth are you in a partnership with them?

    This would be a relationship-ender for me; we are obviously not well matched.

  6. Depends on who is saying it and what the situation is.

    If it’s a professional or specific dress-code requirement, then they should address that. If my clothing isn’t against the dress code or unprofessional, then someone else’s feelings about my breasts are irrelevant to me.

    If I want to wear a bra, I will. If I don’t want to, I won’t. If that makes them uncomfortable and I’m not in an inappropriate situation for my attire, that’s their problem.

  7. It depends on who said it/how it was said etc. I rarely wear a bra because im happy without one and my partner much prefers it if I don’t wear one, but on a few occasions he’s mentioned I’m showy and to pop one on. Some places showy doesn’t matter to me, but some places we’d rather I was less showy so I am glad he’s mentioned it because I don’t always notice it myself. I trust his judgement.

  8. Me neither! These puppies need to be strapped down before they take an eye out!!!!

  9. Depends on who’s saying it lol. With my partner, I’d ask what makes him feel that way with basically anyone else it’s just a “that’s unfortunate” 🙂

  10. Depends who said it. Some stranger, I ignore. someone I know, i’d say “how do you know i’m braless?” “why are you looking?”

  11. Honestly, if it was a comment made by someone I love- like a family member or a friend- I’d probably throw a bra on. Everybody else can just deal with it.

  12. If it were a man, I’d tell him that I’m not comfortable with HIM going braless. If it were a woman, I’d tell her to mind her business and get over it because I’m not putting one on.

  13. I tell everyone, don’t like it, don’t look. If you DO like it, pay up. 🤷‍♀️

  14. “Sounds like a YOU problem. My girls are done for the day and I’m setting them free whether you like it or not.”

  15. Context would matter a lot here, I would respond to my loving but old fashioned mother differently than I would to my partner, differently than I would to a coworker, differently than I would to an acquaintance, differently than I would a friend, differently than I would my employer. Why are they saying this to me? Where are we going, in this particular case of going braless? Does their comfort matter to me? (Even if yes that doesn’t mean I put on a bra, but I might try to see if there is an opportunity for us to understand each other better.)

  16. Why do you think it is ok for you to comment on my body? *Jumps away with tits flapping in the wind*

  17. – Wearing a bra is more uncomfortable for me than me not wearing one can possibly make you.
    – Sounds like a you problem?
    – I’m not comfortable with you having an opinion about my how I clothe my body. 😘

  18. My dad used to do this to me. I was raised by a pedofile. So, that should give insight on who says that sort of thing. I would often say, “why are you looking?”
    Another good response if it is not your father, “brand new bras are very expensive. Please give me $70.00 so I can choose a new one… since this is your issue.”

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