I just turned 30 this year and after my extremely lack luster birthday (2 friends came to visit and we went to dinner, after one went back home and 1 stayed but he fell asleep at like 11), I feel like I have no one (friend wise). My other friend just had his 30th and his SO got a a few of his friends (me included) to make a movie wishing him a happy bday, and it had me thinking…. I have no one, maybe 2 people that would be in mine.

This lack of friends is really starting to weigh on me. It’s getting time for me to propose to my long term gf, but i can’t even imagine a wedding party, i’d have no one to be in it. I used to have a very vibrant social life, but after i moved away i feel like i lost all my friends. The two i do have have kids/married or are super busy with their life.

I have a SO and I work full time, but i work remotely so i have no real opportunity to meet anyone. As i said i also don’t even leave near those two friends, so I’m basically alone or with my girlfriend. I don’t have any friends to hang out with.

Did anyone else experience this crazy drift apart as they got older?

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