We have been dating for 6 months now, it's my first relationship, his first real relationship too. We were each other's best friends before we started dating, and I know I love him a lot.

He's been going through some problems lately with uni and making friends and keeps cribbing 24/7. I too, have had some issues regarding my mental health and family currently. We have been struggling with intimacy and even something as simple as giving hugs. I don't feel the same excitement for some reason even though I really want to. I still miss him when he's away and look forward to spending time with him.

Another thing that's affected things a bit is that when he was showing me something on his phone he accidentally clicked on reddit and I ended up seeing some porn. I found his account here and saw his comments under some x-rated posts saying "what's her name". I confronted him about this, he told me the truth that he used to watch stuff 2 years back (his comments were also all old) and that he's quit. But i still feel a bit grossed out, i completely believe him.

I really want to fix stuff, he's also making efforts. I love him a lot, don't want things to end. He's an amazing person. Are feelings like this in the middle of relationships normal, and if so, how to deal with them?

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