We have been together for 2 years. Before we got together, he was in a toxic distance relationship (from what he describes, I never met her) that was on and off for 4 years. She cheated on him, would ghost him for days at a time with no explanation. When we met, they were together but he had not heard from her in a week. We obviously liked each other very much and their relationship just fizzled out. We got together not long after that. She sporadically reaches out to him. The first couple weeks of our relationship they had a few short text conversations (which were benign). About 4 months later she texted him to say happy thanksgiving which he wished her the same and that was it. Now, two years into our relationship, she reached out to him and says she would love to catch up. He responded to her very nicely but did not say anything about catching up. He says he doesn’t plan to.

My issue is that I don’t understand why he’s even responding to her if she was so awful. I’m a little sketched out because we are currently in the process of moving in together. He says he’s just being nice, but I don’t want this to keep popping up. His friendliness to her made me uncomfortable just because of how he described their relationship as very bad and unhealthy. I told him that i wish he would just not respond to her, but I’m afraid that it might be too controlling.

I’m seeking advice on how to deal with this and move on as a couple in a healthy way. Appreciate any thoughts!

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