This seems overdramatic, I know, but basically my friends are sending screenshots of calls with me in it. I do not feel comfortable with pictures of me being sent anywhere really, I’m really insecure (which I understand is my problem.) I really want to tell them to stop, I’ve already had given signals that points out my obvious discomfort, yet they continue to send it. And I don’t know if it’s normal at all, I mean nobody in the group chat cares expect me. I’d like some advice on just how to tell them to stop, I’m too much of a coward just to say “stop using that picture of me.” I don’t know… somebody help me before my brain explodes!!!!!

  1. Lmfao! This sounds like some harmless shenanigans man. They probably would have stopped already if you didn’t show that it bugged you so much

  2. You may have to accept that the price you pay to be part of this friendship group is that your friends get to show people your face with their faces next to it.

    The alternative is to make them so ashamed of you, that they erase every image of you interacting with them.

    So… those are some options.

  3. OP, can you clarify what the signals you gave were? Perhaps they weren’t clear enough. There’s a strong chance your friends don’t care what you look like (in a good way) and are just happy to have you as a friend, thus they don’t have the thought of whether you’d be happy with the picture.

  4. You’re going to have to be direct about it. Hinting won’t work with a lot of folks and it will also help you in the long run to get through the cowardice you say that you have.

  5. Are they taking screenshots specifically bc of you or bc of something they want to show and you happen to be in it?

  6. You have to be direct and say “Please don’t share that ‘specific picture’ of me, it makes me uncomfortable” if they’re good friends they’ll stop and some may ask why and now you can have a good chat about it & all grow together.

  7. I understand there are some pics we or our friends/family take of us that are just plain horrid…bc of bad angles and all that jazz, but I find it perplexing how ppl don’t want to be in photos or don’t want certain photos shared (when they are nice photos). That’s what you look like. Ppl in your everyday life see you at the grocery store, at work, at doctor appts, at the gym, walking down the street, etc. What is diff about a photo? Legit asking, not being snarky.

  8. Be straight up. However that seems like that may be a challenge. So, send them a DM or text. 🤷🏽‍♂️

  9. You just have to be direct about it. Explain your discomfort and the reasoning (insecurity)

  10. You just gotta be direct, “Hey guys would you be able to stop sending those photos of me? I’m just having a hard time with my self image right now and this is making it a lot worse” If they’re good friends, they’ll have no problem stopping. Any comments that say you need to get over it are incorrect – Yes you need to work on your self esteem, but that doesn’t mean you need to just accept people putting you in a situation that makes you feel badly about yourself, especially when those people are supposed to care about you.

  11. Chris Lilleys character Jamié once said “Delete it you slut” assertively try it

  12. This is gonna be extreme too: stop taking pictures with them. I once had friends who took pictures every time we hung out and then posted them on Facebook. Yes, many years ago. I didn’t like that, voiced it, and the best solution we came out with was that they would stop tagging me. I then made the decision that I do not regret to this very day: I stopped hanging out with them. No, they are no longer my friends and I never felt a loss or something. The new friends that I have right now don’t seem to have the tendency of taking numerous pictures every time we hang out and never talk about posting anything on instagram or TikTok. I feel very safe and relaxed (aka I don’t need to worry about stuff) with them.

    My co-workers are annoying in the way that they like to take group pictures during work events. I want to say no but my boss wouldn’t understand or be happy about it. I only participate in the group pictures where everybody is summoned. If they start taking pictures of small groups and I could walk away, I usually do that too.

  13. I struggled with this with my friends. I didn’t want them posting me without my consent not for any reason other than there were people following them that i didn’t want to get updates on my life. I just told them they need explicit permission from me before posting any pictures of me. Now they’re all in the habit of asking before posting – which we all should be anyways.

  14. I’m the same way. I hate taking photos and seeing photos of myself. I agree with everyone else. Tell them flat out.

  15. Screenshots of video calls with you in them? So you want an embargo on any group photo in which you are present.

    No, this isn’t okay for you to expect. You need to sort your stuff out or the decision will be taken from you.

  16. Literally be straight up and completely honest. They shouldn’t fault you for feeling this way and they should respect your boundaries.

  17. Just tell them. If they don’t stop, then you might need to leave that friend group behind.

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