Why is everyone into pretty faces? I’ve either come across guys who’ll only wanna date the prettiest girl in the room or guys who will date absolutely anybody. (I’m saying guys but honestly I’ve seen a lotta girls be like that too) For once, I want to run into a guy that thinks fairly highly of himself but doesn’t find the need to date only what appears to be pretty.
I think of myself as quite attractive but when I think of the kinda guy I wanna be with, looks has never been a priority. Is it too much to expect the same from guys? Do guys like the kind I’m manifesting into my life even exist? Does the world work on pretty privilege?

  1. Wait. So you want someone to date someone who they **don’t** find attractive? Because someone having a “pretty face’ just means they find them physically attractive.

    And no the world doesn’t work on “pretty privilege”. If it truly did, why are all the billionaires of the world frumpy looking dudes?

  2. Looks are part of attraction for most people. I’m not super hung up on them but I do want to find my partner aesthetically pleasing.

  3. I don’t know it just is so compelling when I see a pretty face it makes my heart lift up. I love beautiful things whether art or the female form, cool cars, music, or whatever. I like beautiful things and therefore I want it around me. I love holding a pretty face in my hands and/or just studying it. It’s fascinating.

  4. Look around the world we live in. Beauty sells; social media, sponsors, movies/tvs, and if you’re not pretty, use cosmetics, wear pretty/brand clothes, get a gym membership, or buy something to compensate like expensive cars, implants/surgery, makes lots of money, etc. Growing up and being exposed to these things daily, they become normalized. Not everyone is like this but it’s quite common. Some balance it out, others’ have preferences that don’t care about looks/different priorities.

  5. Attraction as a whole is a complex dynamic interplay of a lot of things both conscious and subconscious, and physical attraction is usually just a starting point (assuming you’ve grown out of the phase of dating for status that is). I’ve met people who I found gorgeous until I spent some time with them and their personality was just disgusting, and then experienced my attraction to them drop into the negative. I’ve met people who were plain or even unattractive to me at first, but after even just one conversation had me mesmerized. For me it’s visceral (by which I mean a kind of vibe or energy someone gives off that pulls you in, not sexual/physical attraction per se) and almost entirely unpredictable.

    I do think pretty privilege is a thing though, people who correlate highly with societal archetypes of beauty often have more obstacles removed for them, and others do more to help them compared to people who don’t. That said, this fades pretty fast as people get older so it’s not as big a factor in personal success as white or male privilege.

  6. Heres the thing men don’t just date beautiful people we will date women we find beautiful and yes there is a general consensus on what is beautiful each man has there own standards of beauty. Me personally i found a girl with muscular dystrophy specifically a case that affected hands legs spine and face muscles and she had an odd scowl she wore because of it but I thought she was cute. But I rather more normal looking women than models.

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