i'm a high school girl and everyone hates me and i don't know why. i have no friends in school (there are 80 ppl in my grade— this is very important for my situation) and no one talks to me. no one says hi to me in the halls. idk if this is normal or if my life is particularly miserable and everyone else is happy and im just suffering for no reason like Job but less extreme. only theee people in my grade send me snaps, and when they do, it's of the ceiling or their shoulder (for old ppl that means they dont really care and it's to increase the snap score). everyone else i've tried snapping leaves me on open or delivered and some people don't even respond to my messages unless im doing them a favor.

school just ended so i'm now on summer break. i just finished my sophomore year.

when i try talking to people and when i ask them questions they just respond with like "good" or "yeah". i have been diagnosed with social anxiety so i know i put in a shit ton of effort just to say hi but no one even bothers to put in the little effort for them to say hi. when i try talking to people they're closed off and sort of ignore me. no one ever comes up to me to talk unless they are looking for their friend or asking to like pass the napkins. when i set next to people during lunch no one talks to me. whenever a person actually did talk to me they start ignoring me the week after. no one ever texts me. only three people initiated saying bye to me on the last day (i'm leaving for a semester yet no one cares). i was in a social anxiety group therapy thing and it helps my anxiety but i guess im such a ugly huge fat troll awkward loser that no one wants to even look at me. everyone else in my grade has friends but me.

i'll smile at people in the halls because im too nervous to say hi but no one smiles back. the only people that talk to me or say hi are my teachers.

the best part is is that i dint even do anything. i never did anyone dirty. i don't think im super weird: it's not like i have a side part or wear skinny jeans. i wear the right clothes (sambas, baggy jeans, full length form fitting shirt, middle parted hair, mini hoops earrings) and i don't do anything weird so i really don't understand. WHY DO PEOPLE HATE ME??!!

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