I met this guy at a work conference a few months ago, thought he was cute, and was surprised when one of my colleagues said she thinks he's interested in me. Some small banter and flirting, but figured since it was a work event, let it go. We know we're the same age (he asked) and we both talked about the pain of dating apps so he's single. A few months later, same colleague asked me to join a call and he was on it! She said he perked up when she mentioned me joining, and we had a few more calls and it seemed a bit flirty. Others were on the call but it was mostly him and I talking to each other (which I know was wrong but also unintentional). We sent a few messages back and forth (we're connected on linkedin — haven't asked for his number yet) talking books, bar suggestions, quick comments about his travel but I tried to keep it casual. He threw in some winky faces in there. Colleague said shoot my shot and see if he wants to meet up and get a drink (he's a few hours away but easily able to pop down for the day).

I knew he was leaving for a few weeks and he said happy to anytime! I told him I'd be in his direction in a few weeks and asked if he wanted to meet up and he suggested coffee.

I'm giddy over him, my colleagues who were on the call think he is too. Thrilled to have met someone in real life and know that our body language matched, we got along, etc. I'm torn because I don't want to be chasing him and I'm the one who initiated but feel's he's proceeding with caution since we met at a work conference. He accepted my offer for getting together when we were in the same city and when I gave him dates, he said yes again. If it was my friend, I'd say go for it but for me personally, I think I'm overthinking this. Any thoughts if it's worth pursuing? Is he just being friendly/professional?

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