TL;DR:I feel like I like my partners more than reciprocated, and am wondering if it's something to work on myself or if I need to find the right person

So I've only been in 3 "relationships" most of which were really talking stages, but regardless, I always feel like I'm more into the other party, answering texts faster, always the one to set up dates and hangouts, always giving my partner the most attention when there are other people around, and I just feel like that's never reciprocated. I have been talking to this girl (17F) for about 2 weeks, and I'm thinking of ending things because I feel sad over aforementioned reasons. I know I'll feel better tomorrow morning if not this evening, but my last relationship was just a cycle of happiness and sadness and I'd rather not. I have two questions:
Is it normal to feel worked up over things like these oftenish in a relationship?
Do I just need to find the right person or is this something I need to work on myself?
Thanks a lot

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