EDIT: I Spoke with him last night and initiated breaking up and he’s been since asking me for a last chance but I cannot trust him as he asked first a last chance before too and proceeded to do the exact same thing.

I need help on this.

I am 20F and hes 22M, we have been dating seriously for almost 7 months now. We have an amazing relationship but since the start of the relationship I have noticed he jokes about other women some way or another. Usually a coworker female or the female he knew from his teenage years. It could be a bit harmless sometimes like if a girl passes he would comment like I got scared of her shes so big and/or tall.

Recently, he just commented on one of my posts also indicating that he likes the culture where a man can marry multiple women etc…

My concern is that I have told him multiple times that I don’t like him joking about other women all the time and that I barely mention other men in my conversations with him. He just tells me its a joke and I should be able to handle his funny personality. I personally find this disrespectful behaviour to your s/o, mind you I am very open minded about him having friends or liking other girls insta photos (u know how usually thats an issue) This is however, where I draw the line. So far, I haven’t caught him cheating or any dodgy things from him but lord knows now that he openly expresses his jokes with such meanings.

TLDR: He jokes about other women while we are in a monogamous relationship.

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