I had a friend (let's call her Sydney) and she was with 2 other friends that I did not know. One let's call her Joelle and the other one let's call Andrea. Apparently we attended the same event and Sydney called out my name from behind so I went to talk with them for a while. Joelle was pretty cool and seemed pretty receptive to talking to me (we even became friends later).

However, Andrea seemed disgusted when I tried to introduce myself to her or when I tried to talk to her. She would make these disgusted faces and would either ignore me or give 1 word responses. I gave up after like 2-3 attempts of trying to interact with her. At one point, Joelle even asks us if me and Andrea knew each other. There was a huge silence and Andrea yells "ewww" and walks over to the other side of the group just to show how much she hated me. I'm a guy if that helps btw

Has this happened to anyone before and why do you think this happens? Especially if it's someone you met through a friend. Let's hear about your experiences

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