I see this a lot among men about how they can’t find a woman who will accept them for them. For example, caring less about status, height, etc. I see lots of men talk about how women won’t go after the unconventional guy or how they only want men that are wrong for them. I feel that there is some truth to it obviously there are women out there who only care about those things. However, I feel like women are more willing than men to look past looks and other surface level things when they’re in love. I know many women who have been with someone shorter than them, making less money than them, or less attractive than them. I also see women are having issues with finding men due to the unrealistic beauty standards set by society and social media. Then there is online dating and hookup culture. Once again there are obviously men who would date a girl outside of what is the standard.

My question is it seems like we’re all in the same boat. Nobody can find a good man or woman according to them, yet whenever I see discussions like this it’s always one blaming the other. Where are all the good men and women? How do good men and women find each other?

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