I (21F) have tried to tell my partner (22F) that I’d prefer it if she told me where she was headed when we’re not together. Not in an ‘I need to know your exact location and who you’re with’ kind of way. But more of an ‘I’m interested to know how your day is going / what you’re doing’. We had a conversation about this issue early on in our relationship and she seemed ok with the idea.

Fast forward to the past month or so and she has consistently left out where she was going and what she’s been up to. I only find out if I specifically ask her how her day’s been or what she’s been up to. I don’t want to make it seem like a big deal, especially when she has distanced herself from me in the past.

But I do also feel like I have to resolve this issue, both for my own sanity, but also because we’ll be doing LDR for a few months. Do yall have any advice on how I should talk to her about this – how to bring it up in a way that won’t make her feel like running?

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