When I get interrupted/cut off/don't "get a turn" while talking, I tend to get upset or angry. USUALLY I don't blow up, I just go silent for the rest of the conversation or walk away.

This makes other people angry, concerned, or sad. It makes my brother angry enough that he's given me the worst advice of "just keep on talking and if they ignore you, say it louder" since I USED TO be a quiet person even while being listened to.

Now 100% of the time I do that, people get angry. Just angry. Never had a different response. Every time I say it louder, because obviously I was being too quiet when I spoke during the moment pause where other people are allowed to start talking… And the next moment pause, so I get louder… And the next moment pause, and now what I'm saying is perceived as angry yelling and, in my brothers words after this happened today, "people will hold a grudge and stop hanging out with you" after he screamed at me that I'm a mtherfcking b*tch.

So, what am I supposed to do, his advice NOW is that I "need to find my edge", I don't speak in riddles, and he doesn't speak in literal thinking, so I have NO idea WHAT that is supposed to mean. Maybe I need to find more interesting topics, maybe I need to anticipate the moment of silence where people talk, maybe I need to stand closer to people, I HAVE NO F*CKING IDEA WHAT THAT MEANS and I feel like running away into the woods because "at this point it's been years and you still do this and it's annoying, everything else you do can be explained as quirky but this is going to make everyone hate you"

Life is a cruel joke and no wonder everyone supported ADA therapy, because obviously I shouldn't be this offended over being interrupted 20 times in a row until what I have to say is completely irrelevant and honestly I shouldn't have the urge to say something so much, you know, only say shit that's unimportant like the normal healthy folks.

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