Hi guys , I know people come and go in life but I feel like everyone I’ve had over the last few years in my life have left either for no explanation or I’ve had to cut out because they weren’t healthy for me because they were toxic or fake. As of recently my housemate done something that kinda upset me so I’m most likely going to distance myself from her aswell because I can’t take people disrespecting me anymore. So that will more or less only leave me with acquaintances. Now I have friends that I meet some Mondays Sundays and Thursdays (where possible if I’m not working) , I work 12 hours shifts and some of these can be nights. So understandably not everyone is off when I’m off and I’m absolutely fine with doing my own thing but sometimes I would like someone to do things with during the day or from time to time. No one in work is overly friendly and tend to live a bit away from me and are older with families etc. How do you make friends as and adult and find people to hang out with that aren’t going to constantly let you down ?

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