I’m not exactly sure if this is the right place to ask about this, but I really don’t know what to do. I’m content with my looks for the most part and don’t want to change, but I don’t see how anyone else could genuinely be sexually attracted to me. I feel very comfortable in myself except with sex. I feel so inferior and undesirable.

I’ve dated in the past and men were never very interested in my body. Almost everyone I’ve made has made some sort of remark about my personality or face making up for my body. Even other women speak about me and say I’m too skinny, no fat/curves and that a woman’s body doesn’t look like this. I know I’m not the most attractive by societal standards. I don’t want to change my body. I’m in shape and thin, tall, no curves really. I have a 32aa, men say that they pity me or that they like me for other reasons. I feel like I don’t look right for a woman.

I took a break from dating because my previous relationship took a toll on my self-esteem. I feel a lot better in general, but still not good about this. Now I’m with someone but I don’t want to push someone nice away, but I don’t know how to shake this feeling. I just feel like anyone who is with me is settling or secretly wants a woman who looks more like a woman “should.” It’s easier to be alone, but I feel like I’m ruining a good thing because I’ve never had anyone be nice to me before like this.

If anyone has any advice or books or resources I can look into I would appreciate it.

  1. For me there’s nothing sexier than a woman who is confident in what she has. Whatever it is, whether it’s small boobs, big boobs, curves, slimness, etc. There’s no such thing as “a woman should look like x.” Not even close. There’s no one size fits all to beauty, attraction or what people like. My ex was worried about her breasts being a little offset and smaller when we were dating and all I could say was, “they’re yours and that’s what matters to me.” Legit, they weren’t even that small and I could not tell they were offset because I didn’t care lol. My advice to you is just own what you have and have confidence in yourself because it’s incredibly sexy.

  2. I don’t know how thin you are… Personally, I’m not attracted to overly thin people where you can practically see their bones. But I absolutely love an ass. My favorite ass is the smaller pert asses that would usually come on thin, skinny people. I don’t even care about boobs for this reason, because my preference for ass naturally comes on girls who aren’t gonna have much or any body fat. I guess what I’m trying to say… Is regardless of what you look like, there will always be people who find you attractive. And even if you’re societally perfect, there are still plenty of people who are just not into that.

  3. Expected to find a 400 pound land whale. Ended up with a skinny girl. There are plenty men that would find you attractive and would be sexually interested in you. Have a good one.

  4. It’s probably all in your head. Sure lots of dude like big boobs or whatever but the only thing you need to be attractive as woman is to be skinny and take care of yourself

  5. Hopefully this doesn’t make me sound like too gross of a male, but – as far as the stats go for dating apps – Asian women are the most desired women on dating apps and they’re not exactly packing curves on average.

    Theres shit to be argued regarding fetishization and whatnot, but I think the fact remains that they still *are* women that aren’t super curvy that have many men very willing to date them for *some reason*.

    I’m not randomly bringing that up or trying to guess your ethnicity, but rather making a point that surely whatever reason you provide for a dude to be interested is more than good enough in his eyes (and hopefully eventually yours too) regardless of your curve level

    PS, but women can be weird and shitty on the topic while holding no true merit on what a man would think. I have multiple occasions of my female roommates and their girlfriends (all overweight, some obese) and I watching TV and they’d shit on how skinny a women was, but in my mind I was like “wtf?? She’s pretty idk what they’re on about” and I myself don’t exactly have some sort of “thing” for stick thin women making me biased

  6. You say you’re taking a break, but at the same time seeing and older guy. How does he compliment you? How do you feel this is pushing him away?

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