I'm naturally super friendly with everyone, that's sort of my staple. Petmames, touch, heart emojis, I'm essentially known for it. Most of my friends are used to it by now so no one questions it, which is why I… guess I forgot most people don't do that?

My friend (M15) who we'll call Ben decided to add me to a group chat with a bunch of his friends, one of which we'll call Luca. We all got introduced, chatted a little, and added each other. Whilst on call with Ben later on, he told me that Luca was weirdly friendly towards me but I just took it as an appreciation thing.

Then, the DMS. Luca shot me a DM first, playfully asking why I added him and we started having a silly little back and forth. I generally feel as though my texts are not taken as the typical "flirty" kind you have when you're in the talking stage since I'm very energetic in my texts. I defaulted to using hearts, playful pet names, teasing, etc.

But, now I'm starting to wonder if Luca perceived it as romantic and is returning it like that. Ben mentioned Luca is "ridiculously monotone", yet when Luca talks to me he's been very energetic too. He's also rather (playfully) mean to everyone in the group chat, but he's been lovely and friendly in DMS to me, responding with hearts and things.

Another little thing – I usually wake up before him just because of sleep schedule reasons which he knows. The other day, he woke up and DMed me a message with my name but drawn out, almost in a whiny affectionate way. We were ALSO on call the other day with some friends. I was on mute whilst he streamed his game to me and played with the other people in the call. I wasn't too familiar with the other people so I kept quiet, but me and Luca were quietly DMing. I messaged "I should be asleep, but my mom doesn't need to know that if I keep quiet!" and in response he replied "shh, just smile ."

Maybe I'm just being silly, but do you think he's flirting or not? I'm notoriously horrendously oblivious, so I casually keep sending hearts and being affectionate without realising it's leading the other person on. What do you think?

TLDR : I'm overly affectionate with my friends and a guy KNOWN for not being affectionate is… surprisingly reciprocal of it.

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