So I was in a really long relationship (over 10 years) with a really good looking girl, it's over for like 2-3 years. Since then I have a hard time finding someone I'm attracted to even in the slightest… :/ I could have a relationship in like 5 minutes, it's not a problem to find someone, it's a problem to find someone I'm really interested in… I had a few 'crashes' along the years (when I was in the relationship, but didn't pursue them) but it was extremely rare, like once a 2-3 years I met a girl that I found instantly attractive 'for real'. It was always like that, maybe I just have low libido or something, but the idea that most of the guys find most of the girls attractive, or at least 'fuckable' is bizarre to me. It's not even some 'demisexual' thing, I can be head over heels for a girl, but It's so rare that it click with me I think I might have a problem of some sort 😛 On the other hand it protects me from lot of problems, I'm not going to try a relationship with some rando.

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