Normally, guys get their hair cut every once in a month, majority that is. But some never do so! Why? Around different asian cultures, men must get their hair cut or trim, otherwise they’ll look like criminals or hobos. Asian guys always groom themselves especially their hair. Is it a thing in the U.S. to never have their hair cut? Or is it just expensive?

  1. Every few months, or whenever my wife says she’s set up an appointment for me. It’s more a practical thing than going for a “look.”

  2. Once a month because I like to.

    There’s no overriding cultural expectation to keep men’s hair a certain way. We’re a society that more and more accepts people to be individuals, especially in their appearance. I don’t care what other men do with their hair, they can do whatever they want.

  3. Once a month — my hair looks atrocious when it grows out. So glad men’s haircuts aren’t as expensive as they are for women.

  4. Some people just like longer hair. I get a full haircut every 3-4 months probably and get a trim every month

  5. Every month, month & a half.

    There’s sometimes a connection between professionalism and short hair, but not criminality and long hair.

  6. Once a month. I like to keep it trim and professional looking, but long hair is not really “unprofessional” anymore. Keeping it clean and trim is though.

  7. Once every 2-4 months. My hair is curly so I can get away with more without it looking “too” long

  8. I do every 5-6 weeks. Sometimes if I have a special occasion coming up, and it’ll be a little within that timeframe, I’ll get it cut earlier. But that’s the exception.

  9. Pre-pandemic I went every couple months. Since then, I just bought some clippers and buzz my whole head evenly short every month or so. Saves money in the long run and I’m balding anyways so idgaf lol

  10. I shave my head when my hair or beard gets long enough to annoy me, generally when I need to start combing it. That’s about every 6 weeks. I shave my own head and haven’t been to a barber in nearly 15 years.

  11. What the fuck is this question? Do you just assume nobody gets haircuts here in America?

  12. It was about a month ago and that was just a trim. Before that I honestly couldn’t tell you.

  13. I cut my hair short every 4 or 5 months, let it grow out, repeat. I have pretty thick wavy hair so it looks good as it grows out.

  14. Not since May 2020, when the pandemic was defeated and businesses were reopening.

    >they’ll look like criminals or hobos

    I resemble that remark.

  15. I used to do it whenever I could stretch a hair down to nose level.
    However when covid wfh started I jokingly said to myself I wouldn’t get another haircut until it was over.
    Well I haven’t and now have beyond shoulder length hair. I’m unsure if I’ll keep it up or not.

  16. I just get it cut when I feel like it needs it. I’ve got long hair nowadays so I might get it trimmed like once every 3-4 months lol. Long or unkempt hair doesn’t strike me immediately as “bum” or “criminal”.

  17. Every 6 months or so, unless I have a wedding or something coming up where I can’t look like a bum. When I cut it I get it cut short.

    > Why

    Because I feel like it. No reason other than that.

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