I just wanted to make a point about I thought that I've been having recently, I think that the ability to pose and ask good questions is a very good social skill and can benefit you from anything such as maintaining friendships or acing a job interview. For example just recently, I did really well and had really good feedback on an interview, and I think the main reason was because I was able to be prepared about the company and I asked very pertinent questions and bring picking questions to the interviewers, which they really appreciated and enjoyed talking about. Half of the interview is them getting to know you but also you getting to know them so the ability to ask questions very well is a super important skill. In terms of just friendships, being inquisitive and asking questions about people's lives is important so to fulfill your curiosity about their lives but also to show that you want to be a part of their life and know how their life is going. For example if you're talking about a point, and you're ending it with a statement or factual point, try to follow up with a question that ties into the statement so they have something to talk about or answer for themselves.

I can't tell you how to develop the skill yourself, but for me I think that I spent a lot of time watching videos, documentaries, news, interviews, podcast so I think I subconsciously developed skills in terms of asking questions and following up on talking pointing, transition to other ideas and able to maintain a healthy and enlightening discussion. So my suggestion is for people to be well-versed in a lot of General subjects and Fields, academics Fields as well as other hobbies and interests as well. I think that the ability to ask questions is very important because it shows that you are very engaged with the conversation with the other party, and when the other person sees that they really appreciate it. In general I think talking to people is sort of like a musical dance, or back and forth, the clarinet ask a question, the piano replies. The piano asks a question, and then the orchestra replies back. So in that analogy I think that the art of question asking and discussion having is a very symbiotic relationship, and it comes out of genuine interest of gaining insight and contributing your own ideas and opinions. The ability to critical think also is also very important in this. And the more that you practice the skill, you get better at thinking faster and be able to think on your feet and talk in a impromptu manner.

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