Girl I was friends with let me take her on a date, afterwords we had sex.

It’s been a month since then and she’s been extremely different towards me and being extremely nice.

I asked her what changed and she said that she really only gave me a shot because I seemed nice but that she wasn’t really interested in me physically until after we had sex.

Her words were pretty close to “I kind of wanted to help your self esteem because you seem to struggle with women but you weren’t really my type but now I see you way differently, you treat me better than any guy has ever done. Like you’re the first guy to buy me flowers and give me a care package when I had my period. Also you’re like surprisingly AMAZING in bed”

It sounds like a compliment but all I see is “i pity fucked you but you surprised me and now Im into you”

As someone who struggles with my confidence in my appearance it hurt, like a LOT.

I know I shouldn’t let it bother me, but it does and I can’t seem to let it go to the point where Im honestly uncomfortable around her because all I can think is that she only gave me a chance cuz she felt bad…

Like yeah things are good between us but I can’t move past the fact that I only got a chance because she felt bad for me..

What do I do? Like yeah she’s into me now because I treat her well but what happens if I have a bad month or hell a bad week where I don’t have the energy ? Is she just using me???

  1. You gave her da bomb dick 👏👏
    Here is your crown king 👑

    Also stop being a lil bitch. It hurt you a lot? Are you for real? What are you 15? Get over it you sound like a bitch. You’re gunna fuck it up. Do you like her? Was the sex good. Is she cool. Yes? Then shut the fuck up and enjoy your life. Jesus talk about creating drama out of nothing .

  2. I mean, not to put it too bluntly my man, but…

    >I kind of wanted to help your self esteem because you seem to struggle with women

    …might been pretty close to the mark?


    Like I get the weird feelings, and you should express to her how it makes you feel that she did what she did but, do you like her? Do you like where you guys are/are headed right now? Maybe don’t throw that away over it.

    People have done a *lot* worse when they thought they were “helping”, all I’m saying.

  3. Tell her how her comment made you feel. Hopefully she will understand, and apologize.

  4. Don’t ever mention it to her just keep giving her sex, if you say anything you’re going to make her feel bad and resent you for killing the mood. She likes you, move forward with that.

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