So just to it out of the way I already have a urologist appointment set up so no I am not using the internet as my one and only source for this problem, I just want to see if anyone has had a similar problem and if they’ve been able to resolve it and recover from it

Moving onto the problem, I was masturbating 2 days ago and I felt a weird kind of pop at the base of my penis after ejaculating, it’s important to note that I kinda aimed my penis down but I’ve done that many times before without an issue, after the pop my erection wore off like normal. I started freaking out immensely, I already have bad stress and anxiety as it is but this quadrupled it and I had 4 anxiety attacks later that night as a result following with nonstop stress and anxiety regarding the situation, and I really mean it when I say nonstop. Since then I have tried twice to try and get erect practically making myself get hard because I wasn’t in the mood and I really just wanted an answer. The first time I could barely get it up but I believe that has a lot to do with the stress. The 2nd time I was able to get a weak erection, it still didn’t feel like it was fully hard, not even close but I feel like it would be a good bit longer and thicker normally. my penis looked way smaller and skinnier than normal. And I’ve been having trouble maintaining any sort of erection but my libido has been nonexistent and my anxiety has been through the roof since the start of this incident Other than that my flaccid penis has been slightly smaller and harder than normal, not hard just harder than normal at almost all times excluding when I relax my pelvic floor.

I think it’s important to note that I am young and I haven’t had any problems with anything like this beforehand, excluding some problems maintaining an erection before due to what I believe was my anxiety and stress but even then that was a good minute ago and for the past few months I’ve only been getting more and more anxious and stressed with it reaching an all time high after the start of this problem.

Has anyone ever had a similar experience? And were you able to recover? The difference in size is really freaking me out and I’m worried that it’ll be permanent.

I apologize if my post is a bit messy or not informing enough, I’ve been really freaking out and I’m doing just that while typing this. If you have any questions feel free to comment and I will 100% respond, I am very desperate. Any and all answers are greatly appreciated.

(Edit: I thought it would be important to say that I felt no pain during the pop or anytime after)

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