Hi! So I was in a serious relationship with a man till I found out he was married. He spent a lot of effort to convince me he is separated & will divorce but was convincing his wife to come back the entire time. When she came back, he realised he actually loved me & told her that. Of course by that time I knew what he is up to and broke up. He kept pleading me to come back to him and wanted her wife to be supported by him but lost feelings for her. The wife reached out to me saying she knows about his feelings, I need to go else she will leave, he is a bad man, how he has used woman even before , showed me her bruises etc he did have anger issues, yes. The man made me come to a country and left me alone there and then I got to know he was saying same I love you , stay to both of us. I shared all screenshots with the wife . Obviously I left. But suddenly that woman who was warning me about him turned on me, abused me horribly for no fault of mine and posted nasty things about me on her captions and posting most lovely captions about how amazing her husband is. Been a year and her every single caption is about their vacations, surprises and how amazing her husband is. Literally obsessed with her love story and what a perfect marriage it is. This same man was telling me how he lost feelings for her. Their fights are nasty. Same man who was writing me letters from their happy vacation when they were still together! And she knows he had a full fledged relationship and was even accepting of it when he said I will stay a friend. Was just accepting of everything to keep the marriage.
I don’t stalk them, I don’t bother anymore . I just know because my friends saw once in a while and it’s the strangest thing ever. Can a man like him be really this happy and can a marriage really survive that?!! I will always hold a grudge against him for what he did to me . The obsession about her perfect love story is unreal. She doesn’t post about anything else!!! What kind of relationship is that. How can it be so strong after something like that and how can a woman worship a man who destroyed a life of someone else who wasn’t at fault ?

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