I (24F) and my boyfriend (30M) have been together for almost 6 years. We started dating when I was 18 and he was 25. I was graduated and out of my parents house at the time so he came over often and we always had great sex (2-3 times a day when he visited). About 2 years into our relationship I realized I wasn’t getting sex very often…maybe once a week. At some point he had a job that had him gone for months at a time and he’d still come home and only have sex once maybe twice within a weeks time on vacation.

More recently in the past 2 years I’ve noticed we only have sex once or twice a month at this point. What makes it worse is that it’s only when he initiates it. Whenever I initiate it I get rejected almost EVERY SINGLE TIME! I find myself masturbating more than I do getting rammed while in a relationship which is insane. I have talked to him about this so many times to the point that I just don’t see myself doing it anymore. And when I say, I’ve talked, like I’ve really got down to the nitty-gritty told him what I wanted told him that I was sexually frustrated and told him everything and it’ll last for maybe two weeks and then after that, it’s no more. So he knows exactly what I feel and it seems like talking just doesn’t work

I’m tired of feeling rejected all the time, I’m tired of having to please myself all the time while in a relationship, I’m tired of feeling like I have to beg someone to satisfy me when I want to be satisfied. I even sent nudes to him in lingerie or just purely naked to spice things up. And he has acted like he could give a fuck less at times(not every time). I have set up the house with candles, rose, petals condoms, lingerie on etc. and all sorts of things and he has walked in the house and act less than surprised and then when I pointed out and get upset, he’s like I do appreciate it like what the fuck?! And I like to flirt and sometimes I’ll send a spicy text or say something spicy in person and he just seems like he doesn’t know how to respond. It’s so odd to me. Someone is literally throwing their gina at you and youre just acting so confused. I even often ask him if he wants head and he says no! I often hear stories of men going through this with their spouses but in this case it’s the other way around!

He often grabs my boobs and my butt and tell me I look sexy and stuff, but that’s about it. When I try to take the next step, he rejects me. He has said things recently given the fact that I’m about to turn 25 soon like “that pu$$y is getting some age on it” as a joke and I have given him shit for it because I find it so weird that he would say that. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to say to him anymore. I’m just so confused. I am 24 and young and horny all the fucking time but I feel like I am dating a grandpa who can only have sex four times a month. And on the rare I’ll get two or three times a day but then I won’t get touched anymore until two weeks from then (and yes on his initiation). Just need advice.

TLDR: Sexually frustrated girlfriend, constantly getting rejected by her boyfriend. Sex only a couple times a month with his initiation. Talking doesn’t work.

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