My (20F) boyfriend (23M) is annoying me to no end because all he does is play Call of Duty all day. How do i get him to stop?

We’ve been together for a year next month. We live together and for 2 months all he has been doing is playing Call of Duty. Right when he wakes up, straight to the game. He plays till 5 AM each night with almost no breaks. It used to be even worse to the point he would stay up til 9 in the morning until we had a fight about it and he said he’d go to bed at 5 as a “compromise”.

His dad is rich. Gives him money and pays for all the food. So he has no drive to really apply himself and work. The job he does have pays him 250 a week for just editing clips for an indie film company. It’s technically my job too but i just take the clips and upload them to tiktok. I’m a full time college student. To make the clips it takes 15 minutes each week. I don’t think this is that difficult but because he’s been playing so much he’s been putting off making the clips till the last second and forgetting to post the clips to his social media.

We have been fighting so much lately because if i bring up having an issue with how much he’s playing he tells me “it’s not even that big of a deal, i’m just having fun, etc.” and it just pisses me off more. He plays ranked resurgence and he told me “once i reach crimson i won’t play as much” he reached crimson and then met some other guys to play with who wanted to reach iridescent so then it was “once i reach iridescent i won’t play as much” but then his friends wanted to reach top 250 and you can probably guess what he told me. He recently even installed cheats (aimbot and walls) and im so tempted to report him myself and get him banned.

I don’t really get turned on by him anymore because of this. I look at him like a man child. It once got so bad that he didn’t shower for who knows how long that i had to stop having sex with him in the middle of it because he smelled so bad down there. I got frustrated and yelled at him in a “are you fucking kidding me” kind of way. He told me he’d be better but he’s right back to not showering after telling me that 2 weeks ago.

I don’t even like being in our room anymore because he’s just non stop talking to his friends on the game and it annoys me.

We used to be really good. Great sex, great communication. we considered each others feelings but i don’t even know who im dating anymore. I want to work through this with him because he has treated me better than anyone in my past has and i love him even though he is driving me fucking crazy right now. What do I do? I need advice.

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