I’m 19F and have never had a single friend in my life, not even in elementary school. Most of the time I’m okay with being alone, but man when the loneliness does hit it hits hard. I can’t even remember the last time I talked to someone who wasn’t an immediate family member. It’s definitely been years. I left public school in 7th grade and started doing school online because I was being bullied and I refused to go anymore.

I do nothing but sit in my room and do online classes all day. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not lazy and don’t intend on being a freeloader for the rest of my life. I have goals and aspirations but I have no idea how to go about accomplishing them because I’m completely nonfunctional. I want to be independent but I don’t know how to learn. I have no social skills and no life skills whatsoever and I feel like a clueless kid trapped in an adult’s body. I rarely go out in public and when I do I have to carefully plan out every action so I don’t seem completely inept but I’m pretty sure I still do.

Are there resources for people like me who pretty much need to learn everything from the ground up? I don’t even know where to start because everything feels so overwhelming. I don’t want to be an unemployed shut-in but that’s what it seems like is going to happen if I don’t shape up quickly.

Edit: While I would like to have a friend or two in the future, I’m not too concerned about learning how to make friends. I’m more interested in acquiring the skills needed to maintain a career, be independent, function in day-to-day life, etc.

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