18f earlier today was hanging out with my boyfriend (of about a year) 19m and we were simply talking about friend of which we have to same group that we hang out with. I had hung out with them the day prior and told him about the joke they were making.

I usually talk pretty bad about myself as I really want my boyfriend to stay with me but, I am constantly worried he will get tired of me and leave. My friends had been referencing this an joking the in a year or two time they think me and my boyfriend would be married. I told him about these jokes and myself said jokingly expecting nothing, said that I would mind being married to him in future and He simply said he’d like that.

I can’t tell if I basically proposed to him as that’s all we could talk about after I made the joke. I really would love being married to him but, I’m not sure he was only joking or if he actually would want to marry me.

TLDR: I made a joke about me and my boyfriend getting married in future and he said he like that, and I’m not sure if what I just did was basically a proposal?

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