help guys! I am conflicted. I dated my ex for one year before breaking up with him four months ago bc of numerous things that were wrong with out relationship (he left me in a different city bc we got into an argument, he would always say stuff like I’m going to shoot/off myself, he also took another girl out while dating (we were on a break but didn’t discuss terms) to make me “jealous” even though he saw me the day before and we were both working towards getting back completely (keep in mind this break was a total of six to seven days before this happened-he still saw me multiple times throughout this) was also the day before Valentine’s Day and I was making his gift while he told me this..and then we proceeded to be friends after a couple weeks off cause I missed him too much. We had more fights and it was toxic, he thought we were gonna end up together and I thought he would first make up for the stuff he’s done. After all this, I was still going to take him back bc I loved him but he then asked me to apologise for “mistakes” I made before all of this even though we worked through them before and made it that far. Throughout this entire relationship, we had so many fights almost everyday..he barely gave me space and wanted to spend every minute with me. He truly did love me like no one else but he also made many more mistakes. On the other hand, I met this guy on hinge. We went on four dates since I’ve been broken up and on and off talking to my ex. I’ve been telling this guy from the start that I still love my ex and just got out of a relationship but he thought I was so great that he wanted to keep going out and wait until I’m ready. He’s really nice, not to mention got me bouquets of flowers on two of the four dates we went on. He has drove an hour to see me..however he doesn’t seem to pay attention to small details. My ex always paid attention yo little details even while texting and made sure to respond to them. This guy is also insanely rich like trust fund kid rich with generational wealth. He took me to his private beach and all that too. He is also tall which is a bonus. I’m not completely physically attracted to him and it takes time for me to catch feelings. We have been texting for a while now and I like that he’s more chill and manly when it comes to certain things.However, my ex recently reached out asking again to try one last time and even though I’ve come to the decision it was time to let my ex go..I’m wondering if I should give him a chance bc I don’t know if I’ll ever find someone like him again. He thought I was the most beautiful no matter how I looked. I went out to the movies with him once since were from the same town and I feel guilty for leading the other guy on. I can’t keep doing this. I need to cut one of them or both of them off. Part of me also just wants to be single for a while. There’s more to this, but please offer advice if u can 🙂

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