all I hear is "oh, just find someone else" (didn't work) or "just think of all the bad things they did" but as hard as I try, I cannot seem to find a flaw. maybe there were some for others, but I just felt like this person was made for me. little things that others would probably be bothered by, I found endearing and even looking back I still think so. the only issue I have is that he got into a relationship very shortly after we got closer. I know he liked me(a mutual friend told me later) so I don't really understand how in two weeks of not seeing him, he suddenly has someone he loves so much. but I cannot even blame him for it! because I was slow figuring out my feelings, I didn't show them as much as I probably should've, so he probably didn't realise how much I loved him. so no, I cannot even blame him for that. at first I felt a bit played, but honestly, I fumbled that one. I can't seem to move on and it sucks (been over a year since they got together, idk if they still are but yeah

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