Still popping up in the news every day, I had (perhaps somewhat grimly) assumed by about last Wednesday that unfortunately he was surely dead from having gotten lost in the heat with no water if he hadnt surfaced after 24 hours, but there's still absolutely no trace of him found a week later.

My reddit feed today offered me a sub about him full of all sorts of conspiracy theory nonsense but also actual legit stuff like older news articles of him involved in a machete attack and drug dealing and whether this is an elaborate Shannon Matthews style hoax attempt by his family to make money to pay off a dodgy debt or something, with an intentionally set up scenario of him getting a car to a different part of the island and phoning a friend to tell them where he was and that he was going to attempt to walk back etc.

Watch this space, I suppose! Hopefully either way he is found alive.

  1. I doubt very much there is anything more. Seems like a naive teenager doing stupid things on holiday, and like the OP, hope he is found alive.

  2. It isnt his family who set up the GFM page, its this ‘Lucy’ person who is also apparently a drug smuggler and Mr Slater just so happens to owe smugglers a considerable amount of money by all accounts.

    Its a tale as old as time, British wannabe gangster fucks around with real gangsters and finds out.

  3. The kidnapping and the gang stuff is just a distraught mother’s desperate attempt to cling on to the hope her child is still alive. Understandable but irrational.
    He got lost, dehydrated and either collapsed or fell to his death.
    I hope his family get closure soon.

  4. I’ve been up there a while back. It’s steep AF, the rocks are sharp and there’s scrub everywhere. He’s likely in a ravine somewhere and who knows when they’ll find him.

  5. Look all I’ve heard is bad things about the kid and his previous history , karma is a harsh thing.

    One big rumour going around is since the go fund me was set up only 2 hours after going missing , they are saying he owed big drug mafias in tenneirife 30k .. the total of the go fund me ? They took him hostage until this debt is paid . It’s all hearsay ofcourse and surely if it had any sense the police would be following that claim.

    Whole thing is strange, just don’t understand why it’s on the news everyday .

    Edit just to clarify I do not think the above and hope he’s found.

  6. Why would he attempt an 11 hour hike with no food or water?? Something doesn’t make sense in this narrative.

  7. People love making up conspiracy theories, like that lady that disappeared and it turned out she’d fallen into the river and it took a while to find the body. The conspiracies and media went insane. However weird this situation seems, its probably the most simple explanation, he made a poor decision and got lost in poor terrain in high heat without water. His body just hasn’t been discovered yet.

  8. I’m not having the theory he had a bag worth of 30k of drugs at a festival. You aren’t managing to sell that much in one night at a festival, and why risk having a bag that much which could get caught with. The random last Snapchat from his phone aswell with him standing on the door step with the random flower clothes is strange aswell. That theory coincides he went back to that house with they 2 men to rob a watch and something has happened after that. But the fact the two men from the house have been allowed to travel back to the UK if true is weird.

  9. My friend’s convinced the boy took loads of drugs, then went home with those guys to get his cheeks clapped in a twos-up.

  10. I don’t think so.
    It’s pretty normal for a 19 year old to wander off with new mates on a night out, especially when high and on holiday. It’s also not unusual to get lost trying to make your way back to your hotel in a place you aren’t familiar with. My guess is he’s walked into the middle of nowhere, gone somewhere to shelter from the heat and lost consciousness as the dehydration and drugs combination came into effect.

  11. My speculation.

    Tbh, I think that the guys he went back with, clearly strangers, have caused his death in whatever way.
    Yes, he made the call but it doesn’t mean it wasn’t coerced.

    Walking 10 hours back is not something, someone in their normal mind would say or do. We’ve all been young and stupid but 10 hours?!

    Just speculation on my part. I hope for his families’ sake they do find him alive or sadly his body. Closure helps. I know people nay say it but not knowing what happened to your son, sibling, nephew etc must be crushing.

  12. Not really keeping up with it but does seem a bit sus, especially the quick raising of a fundraiser, hitting the target, but the mum still pushing for it to be shared “far and wide”.

    Then this beauty

    “Debbie is in Tenerife with the search now into its seventh day but she has not been able to bring herself to go to the location where Jay was last seen in the north west of the island.”

    Just a big jolly it seems.

  13. Guy should be in jail for attempted murder based on his machete and axe attack. Probably just made some dumb decisions under lots of substances and got lost and died of heatstroke.

    No great loss.

  14. Something that doesn’t add up why is the mum making a gofundme for him? 30k wouldn’t get him back if say his disappearance is just completely coincidental, like he got drunk or off his face on something and has collapsed due to heat exhaustion. I personally think that he owed a lot of money to someone, a drug boss or whatever. I think the mum knows more than she’s letting on.

    In short, the 30k wouldn’t get back a lost person whos went missing due to natural selection

  15. I don’t know, but the media seems to be deliberately ignoring the fact he was a violent thug who split a kids head open with a machete.

  16. 98% chance he was drunk and high, set off to walk with no phone or water, got lost & died.

    1% he’s being held for ransom by drug lords (and Sheridan Smith will play his mother in the dramatised story)
    Last 1% – he’s under someone’s bed Karen Matthews style.

  17. By far the most likely answer is that he has died of exposure after getting lost completely unprepared in somewhere he’s never been before.

    Not even 3 weeks ago the exact same thing happened to Michael Mosley it’s really not that deep, all of these mad conspiracies just show how many people in this country love that true crime nonsense

  18. If he had been kidnapped by gangsters im sure having the story plastered all over the news everyday would’ve made their minds up what to do with him, they wouldn’t release him so he could tell everybody who took him!m.

  19. Someone showed a vid of the area and terrain he went missing in. It has plenty of thick shrubs closely dotted about so he could easily be hidden by one.


    What you have to realise is people going missing around or on the island of Tenerife is not an uncommon thing, as bad as it is. So many conspiracy theories are being sent around Social Media and some of them make absolutely no sense whatsoever. Ignoring Jay’s past with a supposed Machete attack (I’ve not read up on it) and drug related issues, people are forgetting how dangerous the sun is especially when you have no shade whatsoever and you’re surrounded by completely open space.

    Generally, the body can last around 3 days without water in normal conditions. When you equate in the direct sunlight, heat, and everything else, if Jay did just go missing without any kidnapping theories etc, then it is almost certain he won’t be coming back alive. Of course they won’t give up hope yet and as weird as it sounds, being kidnapped may actually be a better situation than being stuck on open terrain slowly and very painfully losing yourself.

    I guess all everyone can do is let time do it’s thing and eventually we’ll hopefully see an update or some new lead towards him.

  21. When I was a teenager, I went on a lads holiday to Greece, and while we were there, a lad (not someone we knew) went missing.

    There were rumours going round that he’d been kidnapped. These were heavily hushed by the locals, sometimes angrily because they were desperate not to have the bad press.

    He didn’t turn up that summer, and despite some reports of sightings over the years, he was never seen alive again.

    12 years later, his remains were finally found, in the bottom of a well. I find it hard to believe that he got in their by his own accord, but nobody knows for certain.

    I’m not saying this is what is happening here. But I distinctly remember the way the rumours swirled, and possibly the flames were fanned by the locals’ unwillingness to talk about it for fear of bad publicity.

  22. You’d think they would have found something by now if it was simply a case of he was dropped off somewhere and then staggered/walked in a direction for a lil bit.

    It’s the fact they have found nothing thats making people make stuff up.

  23. Everyone keeps mentioning two 40 year old men that he met, what is actually known about them?

  24. I feel like I’m on Facebook reading this thread honestly. 

    It’s going to be the simplest explanation, he got lost. The only thing there is any evidence of is the machete attack, everything else is just stuff people have said online with no proof.

  25. This case is the epitome of “if you go looking for trouble, you’ll find it”, and based on the changes public perception of him once his past was discovered, even “you are the company you keep”. You hang around dodgy folk and eventually you will get into some shit yourself. If he’s alive hopefully this is a wake up call for him to change his life, he’s only 19.

  26. There’s a lot of very remote areas on Tenerife, desert, mountains, dense greenery, steep sided valleys, it would be very easy for a body to not be found for a long time, some of it could only be negotiated by a mountain goat.

  27. It’s unlikely.

    As Michael Mosley would say, there’s just one thing the Tenerifians can do, and that’s look better.

  28. I think he took some drugs and went on a bad one and wandered outside, absolutely had no clue where he was or what he was doing and succumbed to the heat/dehydration/inability to make good decisions owing to having gone on a bad one. I think he’s just not found yet but he will be soon.

  29. Those mountains can be very harsh, scorched hot in the day, freezing at night when high up, very steep gorges where it’s easy to slip down a ravine and also very remote. It would be easy to get in to trouble up there real quick.

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