Now I by all means am not innocent here, I probably caused it however I dont know what to do to fix it, My gf has BPD and we have had breaks in the past but this time is different it feels like it might be permanent,

The other night i messaged her brother saying that i was overthinking about something that she done (all she done was add her discord to her tiktok bio) and i was insecure about that incase guys wanted to hit on her (yes im stupid asf i realise this now), her brother ended up telling her by accident as his gf grabbed his phone and read my messages out loud to my gf (they were on facetime)
She was angry with me and stated that i made her feel like she was not worthy of trust and that she is never "good enough".
Now I by no means meant for this to happen, i trust my girlfriend i just have issues with overthinking as most guys do, however i do overthink alot for hardly any reason at all and she has given me no reason to either, i have just been very stupid.
She didnt block me that day or the day after and just said she needed time to think and she needed space.

She has now (a few hours ago) blocked me on whatsapp and removed me on snapchat, what do i do?
she says shes over it and her brother said its over, i love this woman with everything in me and I dont want to have to find someone else.

I dont want just the simple advice of "Oh just move on, its over"
I dont want it to be over and i just want to know what i can do to maybe fix this? She loves me and i love her, i just dont know how to contact her without making her upset.

(we are long distance, so i cant just go up to her house.)

What do i do? how do i fix this? what can i do to get this one last chance that i need?
i know that if i got this one last chance i can change, i can stop overthinking, i can stop being insecure, and i can fully trust her. I have learnt my lesson i just need that last chance..

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