Okay so really im a single 29m who is tired of online dating. Id like to spend more time just doing things I enjoy that involves meeting new people. I go on so many first dates, in realizing I’d rather use that energy to meet people in real life. Maybe dating would be more successful that way

I climb, but climb with a consistent group. I might try to branch out some. All my friends are from Church. It’s what I grew up in. However my beliefs have shifted a lot. Id like to meet people outside or Church, but I just don’t know how people do that?

How do regular people make friends lol?

It seems like dating goes better when it’s from someone you know it met in real life.

I can do meetup groups. What about things like concerts, live music. I don’t know how to just go to an event by myself and make friends. What if I’m intruding? Most people go with friends and stay in that bubble.

What are things I could do to make connections?

Yeah my goal is to meet single women, but it would also be nice to have more friends.

I deal with some social anxiety though and a bit introverted. I get nervous about going places alone, but I don’t see a way around that.

1 comment
  1. Go to a park regularly, just walking/some activity then try talking to someone who seems approachable after going there for atleast a week or so.
    You can go to a concert alone, conversation breaker can be anything like asking for some small info related to what the event is then the conversation flows. I usually talk to people who have come alone like me when I’m alone at a fest so it doesn’t take much effort.You could also join some NGO where there are weekly activities involving new volunteers every week like old age home/beach clean drive etc. If you are a reader then join book clubs. Or try reconnecting to people you used to be close to. Idk if this will help, but this is what i do

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