How to know if your bipolar, in psychosis, or just major depressive. Any tips?? I'm angry all the time over little things. I get wayyyy more angry then an average person and immediately regret how I act with my partner after a few minutes. I don't know what to do. I was denied medication through a website that gave him meds so easy! I'm just over whelmed and feel like running away! I also have MASSIVE bouts of depression for the most part of each day and on and off angriness. If anyone has tips PLS HELPPP.. I also exercise frequently and eat pretty healthy, also had a baby 7mths ago if any of that helps please give advice !!!! Thanks !!!

1 comment
  1. Strongly strongly recommend you talk to a doctor to help diagnose your condition/conditions. You may have to start with your primary but if not psychiatrists diagnose and prescribe medication.

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