Men who wear jewellery other than a watch or wedding ring, how do people react to it? Do people comment on it or even notice it at all?

  1. Yea. White Caucasian in Australia, you’ll get looked at for sure, like wtf is that guy trying to be.

  2. I used to back in high school in 2008. A chain link necklace that had a bit of weight to it. I thought I was the shit.

  3. I used to wear chains and it was recieved pretty well. Then again I am a Guido from NY so chains and V necks were… Well you know.

  4. I don’t think people really care or should care unless your superficial

  5. I got a survival cord bracelet that I wear next to my watch. Nobody notices or cares.

  6. I don’t wear any jewelry at all in any shape or form but when I see a guy wearing some jewelry, I’m oddly impressed. For some reason I immediately like them. I don’t know why, but it’s almost like I trust them or something.

  7. I Wear a fairly thin silver looking necklace and a watch if if I’m wearing casual clothes, nobody has any issues with it far as im aware and it makes my fairly simplistic style look more intentional than lazy imo.

  8. Necklaces & bracelets: Most people don’t seem to pay any attention, but I have gotten compliments on some specific pieces.

    Piercings: A good amount of compliments, and very rarely something less-than-positive. I’ll get occasional questions from people who “want one but are nervous”, and I see those as positive too. Tons of stares and looks, but it can sometimes be hard to tell what they’re thinking unless it’s a 20-something girl checking me out or a middle aged dude with disapproval in his eyes. But again, most people seem neutral.

    Sometimes I’ll wear surf-style ankle bracelets too, but not often enough to have gotten any comments yet. (Don’t really care though because my GF and I match and were cute as fuck.)

  9. I wear bracelets & sometimes a necklace. Most people don’t really pay attention but I’ve definitely gotten some compliments/positive comments on them.

  10. I have a few Nordic type necklaces.

    Viking hammer

    Engraved pseudo wolfs tooth etc

  11. Does a cock ring count? I used to wear a watch but was charged with indecent exposure when some lady asked me for the time.

  12. A bracelet my daughter made me and a necklace my other daughter gave me. People will ask me about the origin and I happily tell the story of my daughters making them and having matching ones.

  13. I wear jewelry often, and have been complimented occasionally. I’d wear it even if no one noticed because I like shiny things.

  14. I have a 2500 year old Celtic necklace I wear sometimes, when people ask about it they never believe me that it’s Celtic necklace lol

  15. I wear colorful pearls and rings and such. I am straight and kinda “alternative” in style. I started dressing this way because this alt chick was super hot that i knew and I really wanted to be with her. So i went out and got piercings and everything. The whole 9…. When i “casually” bumped into her we hit it off. she was very complimentary. Ofc I admitted what i did after a month of being friends and me thinking it was going nowhere. Turns out the stupid story is what made her like me even more. She became my best friend. Then I actually started feeling the style and became it… So pearls and gauges and most importantly is my wedding ring … because me and this chick got married. I also wear necklaces and anklets. All of it. It makes me feel so accessorized. People constantly compliment the pearls though.

  16. I once had a very annoying female coworker comment “I don’t like earrings on men.”

    Just because she always gave unwanted feedback on other’s clothes and fashion and no one appreciated it, I retorted: “Oh; I don’t like opinions on women.”

    It got the right amount of laughs and gasps from the rest of the office.

  17. I wear my wife’s wedding set on a chain around my neck, and a bracelet my daughter made when she was 6 or 7.

    Women notice them more than men, and will comment on them.

  18. When I see a guy wearing jewellery other than a wedding ring the first impression is always negative.

  19. For context, young white dude in the Southern US.

    Silver rings, 1 silver chain, and various different types of bracelets. Always lots of compliments from young people, lots of judgement from old people.

    If you wanna wear jewelry rock it man, it’s a great way to express yourself.

  20. You can wear some masculine looking bracelets. Large rounded stones or darkened metal cords. Part of the key is to go bigger as opposed to smaller. There is a fine line between manly and garish. I like them. They are hard to find as the market doesn’t commit to men.

    And less is better when it comes to jewelry on men.

  21. I have a stainless steel cross necklace that I wear sometimes. Nothing too fancy or too flashy. When it comes to men, the simpler the better. I wear it because I like it and it involves my religion. I’ll get a few comments like “I like your necklace” but nothing crazy.

  22. I totally want to get a nose hoop and wear more rings as a straight, married, mid-30s white guy. I love the look, but know I would get annoyed by all the negative attention. Also, I enjoy picking my nose when no one is around and feel like the hoop would get in the way.

  23. I wear a leather bracelet together with my watch, it’s just a plain leather band. It’s enough for ppl to assume I’m gay.

  24. im a teenager and have 6 piercings (4 ears, 2 nose) and wear rubber bracelets all up my arms, i have to take them all off for work now as im in catering but i would get a lot of funny looks in public, especially from older generations. i figured theyd just assume is was a weird teenager punk phase lol.

  25. I wear an earing in my left ear only. Never once has anyone made a comment about it.

  26. A nose stud, earring and a necklace. The nose stud gets the most attention, but everybody who says something says it suits me. My necklace is unique and people who notice it ask questions about what it is.

  27. I wear pinky rings from time to time. I get compliments on them. Nothing flashy, they’re simplistic

  28. People haven’t really noticed nor said anything? It is kind of low-key tho, two rings and a necklace, but it like so that’s enough for me i guess. I have had my hands compliment a few times, but never the jewelry

  29. When I go out, I make sure to open my button down shirt so people can see my sterling silver chain. I feel like it’s made me more attractive.

  30. I wear a silver ring, a gift from my parents during my teens. When I first meet people, they think it’s a wedding ring, despite it being on the wrong finger.

  31. I used to have ear tunnels and a nose piercing, thought I was edgy, no one noticed or cared.

  32. I wear a malachite bracelet and other gemstone jewelry and I’ve only ever gotten compliments on them! Jewelry isn’t just for women, wear it with confidence!

  33. I wear a pinky ring on my right hand pretty much 24/7. When I first started wearing it, people would ask me what significance it had or if I were trying to look like a mobster. I would always answer with a simple, “I like the style.” For the most part, people left it alone after that. Lots of compliments, but i would wear it regardless. I wear it for me.

  34. I wear an engineering ring on my pinky finger. Some notice, some don’t.

  35. I’m 62 white full head of gray hair/goatee and still wear chains, etc. I’ve got a nice gold one and I have pinky rings too. And no I don’t drive a big Buick or caddy. I have a Jeep Wrangler.

  36. I wear a thelemic rosary and most people think it’s the Star of David or people will ask about it since it’s not something you ever see

  37. I grew up in canada, moved to Morocco in a students exchange program, most men wear a necklace, a bracelet a watch and a ring(not a wedding ring), it seemed normal and others don’t care much about it unless you wear an earring, people will most likely count you as gay, and most likely receive a beating from a bunch of old dudes calling you a hoe

  38. Silver chain with a small silver cross. Gift from GF.

    No comments on it good nor bad except from her, who gave it to me because she imagined what it would look like on my bare skin.

  39. I just got myself a simple gold rope link chain and a little gold ring and so far people have received them well! No negative comments whatsoever.

  40. I wear a big phat Guido gold Cuban link bracelet……don’t give a fuck what nobody thinks….I like it , I don’t wera it for other people…..!

  41. I wear a masonic ring on my pinky finger, it’s a subtle engraving but it’s there, and nobody’s commented on it. I know a lot of engineers that wear an Order of the Engineer ring similarly, that’s how I started wearing pinky rings as well, but yeah nobody really pays attention to it. I think it’s better that way, but if you’re trying to call attention to yourself maybe it’s not lol

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