i’m a virgin girl and planning on having sex soon but i want to be as pleasurable as possible. i saw online that if you can get used to fingering the initial painful sex thing won’t really happen.

the guy i’m seeing is a fwb situ, but he’s nice and i’m not worried about him being a bad partner or anything but obviously i kinda just wanna get on with it and not just spend a few days doing non penetration acts (he is fine with doing that tho, he’s not pushing me). also he’s never in my town so we don’t have much time.

so im just trying to sort out the finger stuff on my own. issue is i don’t really find porn super hot so i don’t have a lot to work with in terms of my body being aroused. i can get my middle two fingers in comfortably with a bit of spit and basically no horniness. is that enough? i just want to have a fun experience and to feel good. i know the guy will turn me on i just don’t really morally agree with porn and i don’t want to just ask him for a pic of his dick, and i don’t a dick on its own would be sexy either.

if anyone has advice pls share!!

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