Yesterday my girlfriend and I got into a discussion about some of our kinks, we are in a new relationship (only 3 month) so we are still exploring each others sexual identity.

We are both very kinky and open minded about this topic, but never discussed some of our deeper “secret” kinks.

I decided to bring it up, I want to make sure I’m pleasing her in bed.

She expressed to me she’s really into receiving “knife play”, “gun play”, and staged “non con”

This isn’t out of my comfort zone as we are usually very freaky together, and I usually take a very dominant role with her.

That being said, I’m really iffy about “non-con.” Conscent is one of my biggest priorities in the bedroom. Even tho we have been dating for a little while now, I’m still and always will be big on asking her the whole time; “is this ok?” “Are you ok with this” “are you comfortable”

I’ve noticed a lot of times during sex she will start saying “no, no, no!” When she is really getting into it, I’ll quickly pull out or get off in a panic, making sure she’s ok, and she will be surprised and ask why I stopped. I’m gathering now that is probably part of her non-con fetish, but I need to know how to role play this safely because it scares me, and makes me uncomfortable when I can’t tell if she’s actually telling me no, or just role playing.

More important though, the knife and gun play. Tbh I didn’t even know this was a thing until she told me about it. She said she wants me to hold a knife to her throat in bed. I’m interested in entertaining this for her however I’m also very scared of possibly hurting her. Ide never forgive myself if I even left a mark on her. So people with this kink what does this all entail, how do I get into practicing this with her, and how do I ensure upmost safety while essentially pretending to hurt her?

Like I said I didn’t even know this was a kink so I don’t know what this all entails. And how do I prioritize safety while still making it seem hot for her.

To me the combination of knife play, and non con role play seems like it could be a dangerous cocktail, and hard to tell boundaries. Plus, idek what she wants me to do with said knife.

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