Five months ago I (M28) met a girl (F27) and we went on a couple of dates, which were great, for about a month. We never kissed or had anything, but eventually we talked about "us" and she said she wasn't ready for a relationship and that she needed time and didn't wan't to jump into it and hurt me. So after a while I told her it would be better if we stopped seeing each other and she agreed. I told her that if she ever changed her mind she could contact me. At the time i thought she was just letting me go easily but it still hurt because i really liked her.

Fast forward two months (about 3 weeks ago) and she texts me and asks if I wanted to get some drinks and catch up. First I was hesitant but then agreed. We had an amazing time and ended up kissing as well. And after that the last three weeks we kept seeing each other 2-3 times a week and did different things together (also got intimate). I really enjoy being around her and I could really imagine myself being in a serious relationship with this girl.

Last week, however, she told me that a close family member of her had been having some mental problems and that it was affecting her. I tried to support her as much as I could over text and asking how she was doing. Also suggested we would meet up, but she told me it is a difficult time for her and that she wants to spend it with her family, which I kind of understand, but I don't really understand why she wouldn't want to see me and think about other things for a little. It seems to me also that she is a bit more distant in the past few days.

I understand she needs her space, but I am worried for her and want to help her in some way and I am afraid of loosing her over this. I find myself wanting to keep asking her to hang out or do things but I don't want to stress her. What should i do?

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