I’m curious because I myself want to travel and hopefully make friends from other countries

if you do have friends from other countries, what is it like? How often do you meet them in person? How much do you text? That sort of thing

  1. I live in Germany now and most of my friends here are foreigners as well, some returned to their homeland and we still have contact through Instagram.. and I also have friends and family in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.. the only thing preventing me from visiting them in person is money and free time lol

  2. Yes, I have friends in other countries. I text and call them about once every few weeks or so (depends on the friend ofc.). We rarely see each other IRL, right now mostly due to some other stuff going on but money constraints play a big role too

  3. I live in Finland and know a few people here, but they are more acquaintances.
    I am originally from Austria and have one friend there, I call with him 3 times in a month.
    I know someone from Japan and text with her here and there.

  4. I’m originally from Belarus, though currently living in Canada; I also spend a lot of time in Turkey. I have friends from all over, including Israelis and Palestinians. Here in Canada, you tend to meet people from all over the world, plus I’ve met people from a range of countries while living in Kuwait and the US previously, and there are some I’ve met on my travels.

    As for how often I correspond with them, it really depends on the friend! There are some I meet up with when I happen to be in the country they’re in. Sometimes I’ll stay over at their place, or host them at mine, or travel to a different city within the country I’m in (e.g. from Manisa to İstanbul in Turkey) to meet up with them if they happen to be visiting.

    One thing I can say for sure is that, having lived in six different countries apart from Belarus, I now have a lot more non-Belarusian friends than Belarusian ones.

  5. As an former erasmus student, I have at least 2 friends froms every european country at this point. My best friends are greek, italian and spanish, my bf also.

  6. Yes. Some of them have come through family connections, but I also made a good handful myself, when I studied abroad. Most are from somewhere in Europe, but I also have some from Asia

    It is quite nice. I have a group chat with my friends from uni, and there is activity at least once a week. Whenever one of us visits a country in which another resides, we plan a meetup, and since most live in the UK, it isn’t that unusual to get a decent attendance, when one of us swings by

  7. I’m English, when I lived in Swindon I used to have a couple of Polish mates, proper good laugh, sound lads. But they left the UK Post brexit and as I couldn’t really afford to travel back then just having started out I lost touch. Fuck brexit.

  8. I used to be a chef and worked with many nationalities. I’ve still got friends in Australia, South Africa, France, and Spain that I’ve known for over 20 years. I don’t see them very often. I haven’t seen either of the non Euros in over 10 years, but we’re in contact via text or social media fairly regularly.

  9. Yes, I made friends through couch surfing, parties, festivals and just meeting people randomly. I’m not good at texting, but we usually meet up when one of us is in or near a country that the other person is in. Some people I see every year or more often because we go to the same parties and festivals, so we meet there and hang out before or after. Others I see every few years. We send pictures of our lives to each other and share mile stones.

  10. I’m based in Bristol, England outside Brits my friends are Irish, French and German

  11. I have friends from the US, Italy, Ireland, Canada, the Netherlands and Greece I talk to pretty frequently. I see the Dutch, Greek and Irish peeps every now and again.

    It’s nice being able to make connections with people who live far away from you but as with all friendships they need to be nurtured and it can be hard to do that with friends you don’t see very often.

  12. I work with people from many different countries, cause I work on cruise ships (in europe). I’d say that I don’t consider all of them my friends, some are just co workers. but there have been a couple of friends that I have lost contact, unfortunately . it’s a big company so maybe I’ll meet them again next year, I hope. I didn’t ask for their phone number cause I didn’t have that chance. things move and change very quickly when working on cruise ships. one day you’re working in the danube, the next you might be on the rhine in a different ship, with a different team.

  13. No I have no friends from other country’s. I make it a point, as soon as I find out they’re from another country I tell them “were not friends”. I remember one time I was friends with a tanned guy named Frédéric for 10 years, one day he tells me he was from Spain and had to ditch him, cheeky bugger nearly got me.

  14. I’ve studied abroad, met a lot of great people from all over Europe and still stay in touch with some of them.

    I don’t think you can make friends by travelling as a tourist. You won’t spend much time in one place, so you can’t get to know a person and become friends.

  15. Yes, in Russia and Latin America. No, I have never met them in person, I just know them for many years. Maybe I would go to Latin America someday but I can’t imagine myself traveling to Russia, I have no desire for it. I hope I’ll meet them in European country or in Caucasus but they are not very wealthy people from what I understand.

  16. I don’t. But I would love to ! People with friends from other countries are lucky to have this opportunity

    🇪🇺 🥐 🇪🇺

  17. Yes, I have some friends in Scotland. Met up with one of my old internet friends in 2022 for a festival in Glasgow, and I got to know her friends then. They’ve since visited me in Sweden and I hope we’ll be able to meet again soon 🙂

  18. Many. Around the world. Im sad I lost contact with many of them. Ive been living and studying in other countries so that’s why I got quite many.

  19. Me – polish 

    My closest friends (3) – polish – absolutely incomparably closest and most sincere bond and best communication hands down 

    My boyfriend – Turkish (he’s amazing and we are incredibly compatible) 

    My ex friend with benefits – polish (funny and friendly but weird and TERRIBLE at sex) 

    My ex – Portuguese (POS)

    My ex ex – Bulgarian (meh)

    My ex close friends – Thai (too different), Romanian (nope!), Polish, Swedish (boring and too little communication and action for my taste), Turkish (rich kid), Russian (extremely weird and extremely complicated), Belarusian (very good communication but he had a tone of issues and was kinda a perv), 

    People I used to hang out with but don’t anymore – A LOT of Turks, they all seemed super lovely and amazing superficially but it was never possible to actually become close to them, they always smile and hug you and call you lovely things but never want to engage further and deeper, always form close bonds with other Turks and that’s it, so I said adios. 
    Iranian girl – I found her very likable but Im Not Sure if she feels the same way 
    Germans – never managed to get close to any German despite living here for 7,5 years. I literally only have 2 kinda friends and it took 5-7 years to meet someone who I actually vibe with. 

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