I've driven in multiple EU countries and all have different ways of paying for highways.

I was impressed by some particularly expensive Tolls in Greece. It was not bad for me, since I was on vacation and paying it once wasn't bad, but it got me thinking: what if I had to commute? The most extreme exampl would be the Rio-Antirrio bridge. It was about 16 euros to cross. Fine for me, but what if you live on one side and find a job on the other? Do you pay ~700 eur/month to get to work?

Before this I always wondered who uses "Avoid Tolls" in navigation systems, since in Romania, you pay a vignette for the year and you can go anywhere (except one bridge). In Romania, as the currently bad road network expands, we expect to be able to affordably commute larger distances to work, by car. I know it's sort of the same for Germany. How is it for you?

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