I am 24M, and about 3-4 years ago, I used to have good enough erections, like actual rock hard. I could hang a decent weight from there and the hardness was literally rock hard too. But I don't know what exactly happened at that time, I started noticing that the strength of my erections slowly started going down. I was a healthy working out male at that time.

For the record, I have coccyxdynia (tailbone problem). Also, I am not sure if thats correct but I think in my teenage I had a habit of keeping my pelvic muscles flexed all the time (I don't know why, it was default for me), so I used to have really really hard erections. But then I consciously changed it and started keeping them relaxed. (I don't know if this makes sense but thats the best way I can explain it o_o). I think that helped, but I can no longer keep that "default" state now. (I can flex the muscles, but definitely not keep holding it in default state, even sub-consciously)

Now coming to the main issue, my problem is not really severe ED, like I have had sex and it was enjoyable too. Although I can remember 1 or 2 times when I had to stop due to not being able to get erect. But the surprising thing is that quite often (mostly when I drink water before sleeping) my bladder is full in the morning, when I wake up and I have to pee very hard. And due to that I have a crazy erection which is completely rock hard, exactly like I used to have 4-5 years back. But as soon as I pee, it goes away soon. This makes me wonder if the issue is physiological. I am pretty sure the issue is psychological. And yup, I do have self esteem issues regarding my appearance at times, in fact I used to be quite happy with my looks but long while back I lost some hair and lost my complete confidence suddenly. It was actually pretty severe. But at that time my erections were not that bad, and the issue started almost 3 years after that. And today, the self esteem situation is not that bad, as it used to be.

So this is my story, what do you guys think? (Sorry for the long read, but I think I had to tell the issues I mentioned)

Also I already went to the doc (abour 6 months back), and he said that just stop watching porn. He said it has got no relation with pelvic floor muscles or tailbone. Although I used disagree with that, but the hardness of morning wood is making me rethink.

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