I have a question about my 4yr romantic relationship between my gf F23 and me M25.
We have an amazing relationship, but lately, we've had some differences in our short-term goals.

I really want to travel and explore the world, while she is focused on her studies and building her academic career. Two or three weeks ago, I went on a trip alone, and during that time, I realized several things I want to do with my life. However, I don’t see myself projecting those things in a relationship with her. In fact, she mentioned that it seems like I think more about doing things on my own rather than together.

Since that trip, I've been thinking about ending the relationship because I really enjoy being alone and planning things for myself. I'm worried that these different desires and goals might affect our relationship in the long term.

She is also very motivated by the idea of traveling, mainly because I am doing it and sharing it with her, but she is concerned that I am not including her in my plans. In the short term, she cannot leave her studies or her office job to travel, and she is worried about having a long-distance relationship. This gives her a lot of anxiety and fear.

Additionally, I think she might be the love of my life, the perfect woman for me, and this makes me even more unsure. She has the desire to go study in Europe, while I want to stay as a digital nomad in South America, moving around and working virtually. She sees herself being more present in one place and has different plans.

Should one prioritize the relationship over individual dreams and goals? I'm precisely in that situation right now. Has anyone gone through something similar? How did you handle it? I appreciate any advice or experiences you can share.

Thanks in advance.

tl;dr: I want to travel and explore while my partner focuses on her studies. We're at a crossroads because I'm unsure if I should prioritize our relationship or pursue my individual dreams. Seeking advice on navigating this situation.

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