I know I’m a bit young to be on here but I’m very confused. I (Female, 14) met this other girl (14 also) in class in the beginning of the year. We sit next to each other now because of a new class. She always taps my arm or hand to show me things and she sometimes asks to work on assignments with me. A few days ago, we were looking up stuff about zodiacs on my computer and she said something along the lines of, “I’m gonna sit closer” and she proceeded to move her chair REALLY close to mine and she was basically sitting on me. A few moments later, it said something about her zodiac always liking mine. I didn’t want to mention it because it would be awkward so I was talking about a different zodiac liking mine. She noticed it and just looked at it but didn’t say anything. It looked like she was thinking of it or something. She then just stared at me. I asked what and she said nothing. She did that once or twice before. She was also scared to ask the teacher something and asked me to be a good friend or something. It was time to leave class at that point so we both left. I saw her walking home later and she was staring at me I think. I saw it from the corner of my eye so I’m not sure. I think she might like me but I don’t want to get my hopes up. I don’t know if she’s straight or not and it would be awkward to ask. Someone help before I get my hopes up or I do something weird lol.

  1. Well, don’t get your hopes up *too* high, but having some hopes is a good thing.


    Does she know you like girls? Do your friends know/is it known generally?

  2. (Bi woman here) Ok so that definitely sounds promising! I think because you’ve chatted about astrology you could maybe try use that to see if she’s sapphic (likes girls), because there’s that stereotype of sapphics being into astrology/tarot/etc. If you made a joke about sapphics loving astrology it could be a way for you to come out to her & then she might be able to come out to you.*

    Of course if you were feeling very confident you could go for it and – assuming you like her back – tell her you like her and ask her out. But I totally understand being nervous about doing that when you’re not 100% sure if she even likes girls. Good luck! 🙂

    *Edit: to clarify, you’d need to explicitly come out. Smthing like “it’s funny that everyone thinks bi girls are into astrology, I mean it’s true for me but it can’t be all of us!” Because girls are very very good at convincing themselves another girl is not flirting with them when she’s being subtle.

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