So I and my best friends friendship lasted 2 to almost 3 years. She wasn't rlly taking our friendship seriously like how I was in the 2nd year to us being friends, whenever I would try and have a conversation abt it ranting about how I felt like she didn't care abt me or wasn't sorry abt treating me bad and having a complete mental breakdown in front of her and cursing her out bc of it (i shouldn't have done that and I take responsibility for it, I was just tired of her not taking me seriously) she would always give me dry communication to me back and even said she wasn't even sorry for hurting my feelings. She treats her boyfriend and other friends better than me even the "friend" I told her to stay away from bc they are toxic and Narcissistic, she doesn't take the advice that I give to her at all. even though I tried comforting her when times were hard and even offered her princess treatment as a friend it seems she took it for granted. I even remember when we stopped being friends and I cried over her like 10+ times (I did actually not exaggerating) and few days later we became friends again and I asked her if she cried over me also and she said "I only cry over people I find important to me. "

How can I get people to appreciate me and not take me for granted because I'm sick of it. And will she ever regret what she did to me and come back? And I'm still wondering why she didn't fight for our friendship like how I did.

Someone out there reading this thank you for reading it all the way sorry if It didn't make sense my english is not that good. But anyways advice would be great! Because I'm struggling from moving on from our friendship and it's been weeks since we stopped being friends and she blocked me on everything.

(Also please share not forcing I just want more ppl to comment so I can get more advice.)

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