If a woman is on her period, are you still having sex with her? Why or why not ?

  1. Only if she’s comfortable with it. It is up to her if she wants to do it in the shower or on the bed with a dark towel.

  2. i never been with someone whose willing to have period sex. if im with someone who asked then i’ll probably try

  3. Depends. Periods can have bad cramping

    Sometimes she really horny. Most times she just in pain. I’m not as turned on but I want her to enjoy herself. It’s rare but it happens

  4. Been there , done that. Horniness knows no boinds. My gf becomes very horny after second day.

  5. It’s surprising most men are not for it!
    The ones I have known have been extra enthusiastic for period sex! It’s one time u don’t have to worry about contraceptives.

    And the men of Reddit. *Let it be known women are more sensitive on their periods*

    *So orgasms are stronger and louder and more crazier*

  6. I’m okay with it but she’s shy about it. She’s NOT shy about most things but she does not like period sex. Problem for her is: she gets really horny on day 2 and 3. Sometimes we’ll mitigate this by going into the shower. Shower sex is not great sex, but it’s better than no sex. The ironic thing: i have the rate distinction of seeing the inside of her uterus. I’ve seen where period blood comes from. It doesn’t bother me.

  7. Yes, she says it helps with her cramps, I’m not the slightest bit squeamish about getting in there, and a warrior comes back from the battlefield with blood on his sword.

  8. Never been a problem for me and wife. Neither during our honeymoon. It happened she had her period the same day of our marriage. 🤷🏽‍♂️

  9. “Roll tide!” Seriously though if you’re on the rag and in the mood just let the guy know in case he’s inexperienced so he isn’t surprised.

  10. I would but if she wasn’t I’d still be cool with it. When I ask women about it they always tell me it’s a big deal and it’s very sacred to them so if the opportunity has been brought to you, you should feel special.

  11. You’re not a man until you get blood on your sword.

    Nah, seriously though, I’m all for it. Lot of hormones going on some women really like it, others not so much. I also think: if my partner is willing to have sex with me or go down on me after a long day at work and stuff, then I’m more than game for ugging bumplies when she’s on.

  12. If she’s up for it and I’m up for it. I work in a hospital, I’ve seen worse.

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