My boyfriend (30M) and I (27F) have been together for almost 3 years.

A few weeks ago, I realized I no longer have the feeling of wanting to jump on him like I used to. I feel like it has to do with the lack of general intimacy between us – but I’m still figuring it out. I’ve been traveling a lot for work in 2024 so that may be a contributing factor. When we are together it’s a lot of back to back events from family to friends. He has also been working long nearly 12 hour days at work.

When we do mess around, it either feels rushed or I’m just in it to make sure we both have some sort of release.

I’m not sure how to bring this up to him. Part of me feels like I’m missing some sort of intimacy. He isn’t the most romantic guy. This isn’t me putting him down – on the flip side, he’s the kind of guy who always makes sure I have a meal to eat, makes sure I go to bed before early morning work hours, and goes out of his way to make sure I’m comfortable. I am still very much attracted to him too – I just don’t want to be all over him.

Maybe it’s a combination of my head being exhausted from work and all of the above.

Any advice ?

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