this is my first summer officially graduated from high school and as an adult. i’m 18f and i thought i had a ton of friends who’d hang out with me and people who will come back from college for the summer and hang out. however, it seems no one is interested in doing anything with me.
a few instances are that i want to do something, i send it in a group chat with people i think would be interested in it as well, everyone says it sounds fun, i ask “when is everyone free?” and no response. they all work so im really just wondering when they don’t work or when they get off.
a few more instances are people literally plan things with my other friends in front of me and don’t even invite me. for example, i was at my friends house with a bunch of other people and there was a group of like 4 people. me, and 3 others. im not talking much as im not feeling very included and im just standing there. this one person comes into the conversation and one of the friends asked her “hey wanna play pickle ball on tuesday? we’re looking for a fifth!” i wasn’t aware this was happening. i have never stated “im not interested in pickle ball.” yeah, im not the best, but neither is my friend who is going. literally the only way to get better at something is to participate. anyhoo, im just standing there witnessing this play out and them getting their fifth person. i was sitting around these people for a solid like half an hour, no one is talking to me, they aren’t talking about things i can easily just bump in and join, and they just aren’t including me in the conversations.
i ended up texting my friend after leaving saying something like “hey, just to let you know, i am interested in things like pickle ball. don’t hesitate to invite me.”
i have voiced in the past im not interested in hiking and the lake, but never anything else.
one, how do i make myself more approachable to people and two, how do i get people to feel like they want to invite me to things?

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